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This is a now page.

SWE Work

  • Currently working at Inuua Tujenge as a Junior Software Engineer where we are aiming to be the technology based enabler to allow people to build their own homes better, cheaper and with less pain during the process. I also do some none SWE stuff like #digital-marketing.

  • Also working on building ShuleSuite during my free time, which is a suite of tools to help schools understand their data better and communicate easily with the whole institution.


  • Just released django-serverless-cron 🦡. This is a Django package with a simpler approach running cron jobs. This is done through exposing a HTTP endpoint to invoke the jobs that allows you to run any task without having to manage always-on infrastructure. There is also an option to run jobs via management commands and the Django admin. It was designed around services like Google Cloud Scheduler and Amazon EventBridge. Learn more here: https://github.com/paulonteri/django-serverless-cron .

Reading (Leisure)

  • Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions.


  • System Design.

Last updated on: 02/Feb/2022.